A Study on The Risk Factors to Strengthen the Competitiveness in the Overseas Development Projects - Focused on New Town development of Developing Country -

해외 개발사업의 경쟁력향상을 위한 단계별 리스크 요인분석 - 개발도상국 신도시 개발사업을 중심으로 -

  • 최성락 (연세대학교 건축공학과 대학원) ;
  • 김정현 (삼환기업 건축사업본부) ;
  • 장세준 (연세대학교 건축공학과 대학원) ;
  • 백준홍 (연세대학교 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2008.06.25


Recently, domestic construction companies have been moving towards overseas markets due to decreasing orders and an increase in competitiveness within the domestic market. However, there is a higher risk involved in the overseas construction Industry than in the domestic construction industry. Especially, because domestic construction companies lack development's experience, such a companies have a weakness of hidden risk factors. For Overseas New Town development project's success of domestic construction companies, preferentially, It Is necessary to deduce and analysis of risk factors in real estate development phases. This study would possibly be able to provide the preliminary data for Overseas New Town development projects in the future.



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