The Effect of Topical Application of Lidocaine Cream before Arteriovenous(AV) Fistula Puncture on Pain and Anxiety Among Hemodialysis Patients

리도카인 연고도포가 혈액투석 환자의 동·정맥루 천자 통증과 불안에 미치는 효과

  • 현경선 (경희대학교 간호과학대학, 동서간호학연구소) ;
  • 이성연 (경희대학교부속 경희의료원) ;
  • 한상순 (경희대학교부속 경희의료원)
  • Received : 2008.01.30
  • Accepted : 2008.05.26
  • Published : 2008.06.30


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of topical lidocaine cream on pain and anxiety during the AV fistula puncture among hemodialysis patients. Methods: The study employed one group repeated measurement design. The data were collected from 50 hemodialysis patients who received AV fistula puncture. The topical lidocaine cream was applied 30 minutes before the puncture. The data were measured total 3 times (T1=without lidocaine, T2=2% lidocaine, T3=5% lidocaine). Pain was measured by VAS and a behavioral checklist. Anxiety was measured by Korean manual of SCL-90-R. Results: Patients with 5% lidocaine cream reported significantly lower of VAS pain score than those with 2% lidocaine and without lidocaine. Patients with 2% lidocaine cream reported significantly lower of behavioral pain scores than those without lidocaine, but less effective than 5% lidocaine cream. Patients with 2% lidocaine cream reported significantly lower of anxiety scores than those without lidocaine, but less effective than 5% lidocaine cream. Conclusion: Topical application of lidocaine cream for 30 minutes before AV fistula puncture significantly decreased pain and anxiety among hemodialysis patients. Specifically 5% lidocaine was more effective than 2% lidocaine for both pain and anxiety.
