인터넷 상호접속 진화에 따른 대역폭 거래(Bandwidth Trading)의 필요성 및 거래시스템 아키텍처 설계

Evolution of Internet Interconnections and System Architecture Design for Telecom Bandwidth Trading

  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


Bandwidth Trading(BT) represents a potential market with over 1 trillion USD across the world and high growth potential. BT is also likely to accelerate globalization of the telecommunications industry and massive restructuring driven by unbundling rush. However, systematic researches on BT remain at an infant stage. This study starts with structure analysis of the Internet industry, and discusses significance of Internet interconnection with respect to BT Issues. We also describe the bandwidth commoditization trends and review technical requirements for effective Internet interconnection with BT capability. Taking a step further, this study explores the possibility of improving efficiency of network providers and increasing user convenience by developing an architectural prototype of Hub-&-Spoke interconnection model required to facilitate BT. The BT market provides an Innovative base to ease rigidity of two-party contract and Increase service efficiency. However, as fair, efficient operation by third party is required, this research finally proposes an exchanging hub named NIBX(New Internet Business eXchange).



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