공원녹지의 토지피복비율과 기온간의 요인분석

Factor Analysis of the Relation Between Land Cover Ratio of Green Spaces and Temperature

  • 발행 : 2008.05.30


The present study examined the relation between land cover condition and temperature in various types of urban green spaces. The diagram of temperature distribution showed that high-temperature zones are formed around paved areas, and low temperature zone around planted areas and grassy areas. Even in planted areas where low-temperature zones were formed, temperature was different according to hierarchical structure. That is, temperature was relatively low in areas covered with arbor + sub-arbor. With regard to land cover ratio, the increase of planted areas and grassy areas had an effect on the fall of temperature and the effect was higher in order of planted areas and grassy areas. On the contrary, paved areas and bare areas had an effect on the rise of temperature. According to the results of factor analysis, in case of the highest temperature, planted area and grassy area were put together into a factor lowering temperature, paved area and temperature into a factor raising temperature, and bare area alone into a factor of low significance. In case of the lowest temperature, grassy area and bare area were put together into a factor, and the validity of the factor analysis was proved by the analysis of urban heat islands. An increase in the number of trees by height was effective in lowering temperature, and the effect was high in order to arbor and sub-arbor, and the source of coldness in planted area was tall trees.



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피인용 문헌

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