A transport model for high-frequency vibrational power flows in coupled heterogeneous structures

  • Savin, Eric (Structural Dynamics and Coupled Systems Department, ONERA)
  • 투고 : 2007.07.31
  • 심사 : 2007.11.11
  • 발행 : 2008.03.25


The theory of microlocal analysis of hyperbolic partial differential equations shows that the energy density associated to their high-frequency solutions satisfies transport equations, or radiative transfer equations for randomly heterogeneous materials with correlation lengths comparable to the (small) wavelength. The main limitation to the existing developments is the consideration of boundary or interface conditions for the energy and power flow densities. This paper deals with the high-frequency transport regime in coupled heterogeneous structures. An analytical model for the derivation of high-frequency power flow reflection/transmission coefficients at a beam or a plate junction is proposed. These results may be used in subsequent computations to solve numerically the transport equations for coupled systems, including interface conditions. Applications of this research concern the prediction of the transient response of slender structures impacted by acoustic or mechanical shocks.



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