Numerical modeling of heterogeneous material

  • Puatatsananon, W. (Department of Civil Engineering, Ubon Ratchathani University) ;
  • Saouma, V. (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder) ;
  • Slowik, V. (Hochschule fur Technik, Wirtschaft and Kultur Leipzig (FH))
  • 투고 : 2007.08.07
  • 심사 : 2008.04.22
  • 발행 : 2008.06.25


Increasingly numerical (finite element) modeling of concrete hinges on our ability to develop a representative volume element with all its heterogeneity properly discretized. Yet, despite all the sophistication of the ensuing numerical models, the initial discretization has been for the most part simplistic. Whenever the heterogeneity of the concrete is to be accounted for, a mesh is often manually crafted through the arbitrary inclusion of the particles (aggregates and/or voids) in an ad-hoc manner. This paper develops a mathematical strategy to precisely address this limitation. Algorithms for the random generation and placement of elliptical (2D) or ellipsoid (3D) inclusions, with possibly radiating cracks, in a virtual concrete model are presented. Collision detection algorithms are extensively used.



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