The microstructures of the oxide scale developed at high temperature on steels are very complex and their development depends on many factors including time, temperature, oxidation conditions and alloying elements. The classical model of an oxide scale on steel consisting of wüstite, magnetite and haematite layers, is more complicated in reality and its properties change with the factors that affect their development. An understanding of the oxide scale formation and its properties can only be achieved by careful examination of the scale microstructure. The oxide scale microstructure may be difficult to characterise by conventional techniques such as optical or standard scanning electron microscopy. An unambiguous characterisation of the scale and the correct identification of the phases within the scale are difficult unless the crystallographic structure for each phase in the scale is considered and a simultaneous microstructure-microtexture analysis is carried out. In the current study Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) has been used to investigate the microstructure of iron oxide layers grown on low carbon steels at different times and temperatures. EBSD has proved to be a powerful technique for identifying the individual phases in the oxide scale accurately. The results show that different grain shapes and sizes develop for each phase in the scale depending on time and temperature.