ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 24(컴퓨터그래픽스, 영상처리 및 환경표현)의 국제표준화 활동

  • 발행 : 2008.06.17




  1. SC 24 Programme of Work(SC 24 N 1905, N 2498, 2701)
  2. Business Plan of SC 24, 06/07(JTC 1 N 8362)
  3. Business Plan of SC 24, 07/08(JTC 1 N 8681/SC 24 N 3001)
  4. Resolution fo SC 24, 06(SC 24 N 2880), Prague, Czech
  5. Resolution of SC 24, 07(SC 24 N 2990), Kokyo, Japan
  6. Resolution of JTC 1, 07(JTC 1 N 8804), Gold Coast, Australia
  7. Ha-Jine Kimn, Presentation of JTC 1/SC 24 for JTC 1 Plenary meeting", JTC 1 Plenary Meeting, Gold Coast, 2007. 10. 8-13
  8. Ha-Jine Kimn, "The Use of SEDRIS Concept in Environmental Data Modeling and Simulation", 2nd China International Multimedia Technology Expo and Symposium, 2005. 09. 26-28
  9. Ha-Jine Kimn, "The Situations and Strategies of JTC 1/SC 24 in 2008", Workshop of Korean SC 24, 2008. 02. 29