배전계통 커패시터 설치를 위한 전역적 최적화 기법

A Global Optimization Technique for the Capacitor Placement in Distribution Systems

  • 이상봉 (성균관대 정보통신공학부) ;
  • 김규호 (안산공과대학 전기과) ;
  • 이상근 (강릉대 전기정보통신공학부)
  • 발행 : 2008.05.01


The general capacitor placement problem is a combinatorial optimization problem having an objective function composed of power losses and capacitor installation costs subject to bus voltage constraints. In this paper, a global optimization technique, which employing the chaos search algorithm, is applied to solve optimal capacitor placement problem with reducing computational effort and enhancing global optimality of the solution. Chaos method in optimization problem searches the global optimal solution on the regularity of chaotic motions and easily escapes from local or near optimal solution than stochastic optimization algorithms. The chaos optimization method is tested on 9 buses and 69 buses system to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.



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