동적 거동 시뮬레이션을 위한 종이의 물성치 추정

Material Property Estimation of Paper for Dynamic Behavior Simulation

  • 발행 : 2008.05.01


This study proposes a technique to estimate the material property of a paper by using an experimental methods and commercial CAE software. Under gravitation, if one side of the paper is attached to the ground, the opposite side of paper is largely deformed, and vibrates freely. Since the paper has an orthotropic characteristic due to its treatment, the deformations in two orthogonal directions of the dry paper are different. An experimental method to measure the static deformation of the paper introduces this phenomenon. And dynamic behavior, frequency of free vibration is measured. And then. virtual prototypes that can represent the static and dynamic behavior are modeled by using the commercial CAE software $RecurDyn^{MT}$/MTT3D, which has been widely used by the printer makers. While comparing the deformation and frequency from the experiment and simulation, a design optimization technique in the commercial CAE software of R-INOPL, $RecurDyn^{TM}$/AutoDesign is used to estimate the material property such as Young's modulus, shear modulus and density of the paper.



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