청송 청운리 마을구조와 민가특성 연구

A Study on the Organization of the Village and the Characteristics of Folk Houses on Cheongunri in Cheong-Song

  • 발행 : 2008.04.25


This study is conducted to investigate the organization of Cheongunri in Cheong-song, as well as the characteristics of folk houses. In this study, 82 folk houses, including the villages, are surveyed; among them, 15 houses are intensively analyzed in terms of the structure of plane and the arrangement of space. The focus of study is on discovering an internal order system of villages and tracing a relationship between the characteristics of houses and the environmental factors. According to the results of the study, an Intrinsic order in Cheongunri is found to be related to the mountain axis, the road system, and the flow axis; and the form of folk houses is also found to be influenced by this order. The major characteristics of folk houses can be summarized as follows: (1) Most of the houses face east along the mountain axis, whereas houses influenced by the flow axis tend to face south. (2) The side of houses tend to be open to the outside, showing external directionality. This characteristic seems to be closely related to the direction of the main gate in a house site. (3) The layout of the main quarters and the annex quarters is found to be related to the direction of the main gate in a house site. Especially, the characteristics of courtyard are found to be affected by the annex quarters. From the above results, it can be concluded that villages have an intrinsic order depending on the geographic characteristics of a surrounding natural environment, and folk houses have also changed accordingly.



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