제주도의 화산동굴

Volcanic Caves in Jeju

  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


Jeju Island is formed by lava flow streams with the Mt. Halla in the center. The Mt. Halla‘s crater or other parasitic volcano produced lava flows creating lava plateau in this area. There are one thousand volcano caves in the world, and 50% of them are located in the west coast of United States. There are 186 volcano caves in Italy, 100 in Mt. Fuji, Japan, and 70 in Jeju Island. Jeju Island‘s east-west axis four sides are world-renown volcano zones with basalt strata that feature low viscosity and fluidity.



  1. 홍철화 외, 1999, "제주도 화산동굴의 특수성 연구," 한국동굴학회지, 57, 19-29
  2. 홍시환, 1999, "광천선굴의 개발환경과 지형지물," 한국동굴학회지, 58, 13-24
  3. 홍시환, 2004, "제주도의 화산동굴 소고," 한국동굴학회지, 62, 19-23
  4. 홍시환, 2004, "우리나라 자연동굴의 지리적 분포와 그 특성에 관한 연구," 한국동굴학회지, 62, 43-70
  5. 홍시환, 2004, "우리나라 동굴의 성인에 관한 연구," 한국동굴학회지, 62, 91-96