한국병원경영학회지 (Korea Journal of Hospital Management)
- 제13권4호
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- Pages.119-145
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- 2008
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- 1226-6299(pISSN)
병원의 비정규직 고용정책과 경영전략
Employment Policy & Strategy of Irregular Workers in Hospital
- Moon, Young-Jeon (Kimpowoorl Hospital) ;
- Ahn, In-Whan (Korea Health Industry Development Institute)
- 발행 : 2008.12.30
The objectives of this study were to inspect how the law effected on hospital employment system and which policy and strategy are needed to cope with the present situation as the law regarding irregular workers law has enacted for a year. To grasp the changes of employment style in hospital, 56 hospitals among 311 general hospitals were questioned in this study. And employment policy and strategy were developed by referencing examples of developed nations and other industries. The survey showed that the wage and welfare level of irregular workers in hospitals was improved compared to that in the other industries. But there were still much discrimination between regular and irregular workers. The policy direction of government is, first of all, to follow the principle of equal treatment to equal value of labour. The first feasible policy is to enforce social security. The second one is an employment promotion policy which reduces or exempts hospitals employing irregular workers from tax and insurance fee. The third one is to extend employment contract period to 3 years. and finally there are policies to permit more dispatched jobs and to expand the social insurance coverage. The strategies to solve the problem of irregular workers are as follows; 1) performance wage system, 2) guaranteeing employment by unlimited contract, 3) creating new category of workers, 4) the wage system of management by object, 5) the method of job classification. This study has a meaning in the point that it was studied on hospital which is special industrial part and analyzed the changes after enacting irregular workers law and presented management strategy for countermeaure program. In this study, it was expected to contribute to decisions-making in hospital management, especially when using human resources.