서울시 대학가 활성화 계획과정의 파트너십 연구 - 한양대학교 대학가 환경정비형 지구단위계획 및 담장개방녹화사업 중심으로 -

A Study on the Partnership for Activating of University Town in Seoul - Focused on Campus Fence Afforestation Project and the District Unit Plan for Renovating Campus Town Streets of Hanyang University -

  • 박진아 (한양대학교 도시대학원 도시설계학과) ;
  • 목익수 (진흥기업 건축영업팀) ;
  • 강우석 (한양대학교 도시대학원 도시설계학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.07.30


Because the university campuses in Seoul have changed to the urban campus type that the boundary of the campus is close to the urban tissue, the relationship between local societies and universities has got more important than before. Recently, through the support of Seoul metropolitan government, some projects for activating campus towns in Seoul have been proceeded. There are two distinctive projects. One is the campus fence afforestation project, and another is the district unit plan for the physical environment improvement of commercial streets around the campus in Seoul. The goal of this study is to analyze the government-university-community partnership for implementation of these two projects related to the model projects and the Hanyang university campus town as the exemplary government-university-community partnership, and to make practical application of other campus town projects to need the harmonious partnership between university neighborhoods and universities.



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