푸드 페스티발 참가자의 동기에 따른 시장세분화 및 만족의 차이 - 서울푸드페스티발을 중심으로 -

Market Segmentation and Satisfaction according to the Motives of Food Festival Attendants - Focusing on the Case of Seoul Food Festival -

  • 김주연 (경희대학교 국제관광전략연구소) ;
  • 이현종 (혜전대학 호텔조리외식계열)
  • Kim, Ju-Yeon (International Tourism Strategy Institute, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Lee, Hyun-Jong (Division of Hotel Culinary Arts & Foodservice, Hyejeon College)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.30


The motives of festival attendance have been used as a valuable marketing tool for promotion and understanding segment characteristics. This study attempted to segment the food festival market based on delineated motives and find the difference of characteristics and satisfaction among the segments. The study also explored the influence of motivation factors on satisfaction. The results are as follows : (1) Derived factors of the motivation of food festival attendance were 'food', 'information', 'education', 'cultural events', and 'experience'. (2) A cluster analysis identified two segments for five motivation factors. Two segments named 'utilitarian motivation group' and 'hedonic motivation group' were found to be different according to age, occupation, income, company, information source. (3) Two groups show the difference on satisfaction about festival programs. Utilitarian motivation group was more satisfied with 'holiday food performance' and 'food performance', whereas hedonic motivation group presented more satisfaction with 'cocktail show'. (4) Three(cultural events, food and information) out of five motivation factors had significant influence on satisfaction.
