대추 페이스트를 첨가한 약밥 품질 특성

Quality Characteristics of Yakbab Prepared with Jujube(Zizyphus jujuba Mill. cv. Dongzao) Paste

  • 김덕희 (대구보건대학 호텔외식조리계열)
  • Kim, Duck-Hee (Dept. of Hotel Culinary Art, Wine, and Coffee, Daegu Health College)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.30


This study investigates the effects of cooking utensils and jujube(Zizyphus jujuba Mill. cv. Dongzao) paste on the quality characteristics of yakbab. Yakbab samples prepared with jujube paste were divided into a control(yakbab with 0% of jujube paste) and the groups with jujube paste added. The samples prepared with jujube paste were divided into JY1(yakbab with 2.60% of jujube paste), JY2(yakbab with 4.27% of jujube paste), JY3(yakbab with 5.88% of jujube paste), JY4(yakbab with 7.43% of jujube paste) and JY5(yakbab with 8.94% of jujube paste). The moisture content and the color score of pressure cooker treatment have higher than those of the pot. The moisture contents of JY2 and JY5 samples increased as compared to the other samples. The L(lightness) value scores of all samples with jujube paste added were higher than those of the others. Hardness, springiness and cohesiveness of JY4 sample showed higher than those of the control. Higher scores for color, moistness, mouth feel, sweet taste and overall taste were found in JY4 products as compared to the other samples.
