Preliminary Estimation of Wind Resource Potential in South Korea

남한 풍력자원 잠재량의 예비적 산정

  • 김현구 (한국에너지기술연구원 풍력발전연구단)
  • Published : 2008.12.30


The wind resource potentials of South Korea are estimated as preliminary stage using the national wind map which has been being established by numerical wind simulation and GIS (Geographical Information System) exclusion analysis. The wind resource potentials are classifying into theoretical, geographical, technical and implementation potentials and the calculation results are verified by comparing to other countries' potentials. In GIS exclusion, urban, road, water body, national parks and steep slope area are excluded from onshore geographical potential while water depth and offshore distance from the shoreline are applied as offshore exclusion conditions. To estimate implementation potential, dissemination records of European countries are adopted which is about 1/8 of geographical potential. The implementation potential of South Korea would correspond 12.5GW which is 1.7 times of the national wind energy dissemination target until 2030.



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