수박 내부결함판정을 위한 휴대형 압전형 장갑 센서시스템

Portable Piezoelectric Film-based Glove Sensor System for Detecting Internal Defects of Watermelon

  • 발행 : 2008.02.25


Dynamic excitation and response analysis is an acceptable method to determine some of physical properties of agricultural product for quality evaluation. There is a difference in the internal viscoelasticity between sound and defective fruits due to the difference of geometric structures, thereby showing different vibration characteristics. This study was carried out to develop a portable piezoelectric film-based glove sensor system that can separate internally damaged watermelons from sound ones using an acoustic impulse response technique. Two piezoelectric sensors based on polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) films to measure an impact force and vibration response were separately mounted on each glove. Various signal parameters including number of peaks, energy ratio, standard deviation of peak to peak distance, zero-crossing rate, and integral value of peaks were examined to develop a regression-estimated model. When using SMLR (Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression) analysis in SAS, three parameters, i.e., zeros value, number of peaks, and standard deviation of peaks were selected as usable factors with a coefficient of determination ($r^2$) of 0.92 and a standard error of calibration (SEC) of 0.15. In the validation tests using twenty watermelon samples (sound 9, defective 11), the developed model provided good capability showing a classification accuracy of 95%.



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