MALSORI (대한음성학회지:말소리)
- Issue 65
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- Pages.81-91
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- 2008
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- 1226-1173(pISSN)
A New Variable Bit Rate Scheme for Waveform Interpolative Coders
파형보간 코더에서 파라미터간 거리차를 이용한 가변비트율 기법
- Yang, Hee-Sik (ICU) ;
- Jeong, Sang-Bae (ICU) ;
Hahn, Min-Soo
- 양희식 (한국정보통신대학원 대학교 음성/음향 정보 연구실) ;
- 정상배 (한국정보통신대학원 대학교 음성/음향 정보 연구실) ;
(한국정보통신대학원 대학교 음성/음향 정보 연구실)
- Published : 2008.03.30
In this paper, we propose a new variable bit-rate speech coder based on the waveform interpolation concept. After the coder extracted all parameters, the amounts of the distortions between the current and the predicted parameters which are estimated by extrapolation using past two parameters are measured for all parameters. A parameter would not be transmitted unless the distortion exceeds the preset threshold. At the decoder side, the non-transmitted parameter is reconstructed by extrapolation with past two parameters used to synthesize signals. In this way, we can reduce 26% of the total bit rate while retaining the speech quality degradation below 0.1 PESQ score.