전류변성기의 비오차와 위상오차의 절대 평가 기술

Absolute Evaluation Method to Obtain Ratio Error and Phase Displacement of Current Transformers

  • 발행 : 2008.06.01


We have developed an absolute evaluation method to obtain the ratio error and phase displacement of a current transformer (CT) without any precise standard CT by measuring four parameters in a CT equivalent circuit. The excitation admittance in the CT equivalent circuit can be obtained by employing standard resistors with negligible reactive component. The secondary leakage impedance in the CT equivalent circuit can be measured using a universal impedance bridge. The method was applied to CTs under test with the wide current ratios in the range of 5 A / 5 A - 5,000 A / 5 A and 5 A / 1 A - 5,000 A / 1 A. The ratio error and phase displacement of the CT under test obtained in this study are consistent with those measured at the national institute in Canada using the same CT under test within an expanded uncertainty (k = 2) in the overall current ratios.



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