남해안 관광지 식당의 음식서비스에 대한 내국인 관광객들의 가치 지각에 영향을 주는 요인 분석

Measuring the Factors Influencing Customers' Value Perceptions of Foodservice in Namhaean Tourist Area's Restaurant

  • 강종헌 (순천대학교 조리과학과) ;
  • 고범석 (대구보건대학 호텔조리음료계열)
  • Kang, Jong-Heon (Department of Cooking Science, Sunchon National University) ;
  • Ko, Beom-Seok (Department of Hotel Culinary Arts & WineCoffee, Daegu Health College)
  • 발행 : 2008.02.29


The purpose of this study was to measure the factors influencing customers’ value perception of foodservice in tourist area’s restaurant. A total of 273 questionnaires were completed. Structural equation model was used to measure the causal effects. Results of the study demonstrated that the confirmatory factor analysis model also indicated excellent model fit. The proposed model yielded a significantly better fit to the data than the parsimonious model and extended model. In proposed model, the effects of perceived sacrifice, overall service quality and customer satisfaction on perceived value were statistically significant. The effects of perceived value on loyalty intention were statistically significant. As expected, the overall service quality had a significant effect on customer satisfaction. Moreover, the customer satisfaction played a mediating role in the relationship between overall service quality and loyalty intention.



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