경제동물 유전체학 연구의 최근 연구 동향

Advances of Genome Research in Livestock Animals

  • 송기덕 (미국 국립보건원) ;
  • 조병욱 (부산대학교 생명자원과학대학 생명자원과학부)
  • Song, Ki-Duk (Laboratory of Mamm Genes and Development, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institute of Health) ;
  • Cho, Byung-Wook (Department of Animal Science, Pusan National University)
  • 발행 : 2008.04.30


경제 동물의 유전체 연구는 최근에 급속하게 발전하여 초기의 유전체 지도로 부터 유전자의 발견에 필수적인 앙적/질적 형질 유전자를 확인 동정가능한 수준의 지도가 개발되었다. 이러한 발전은 경제동물의 전체 게놈 염기서열 결정과 대량 ESTs의 개발에 의해 가능해졌다. 특히 염시서열 결정은 경제형질과 연관된 대규모의 SNPs 개발에 의한 QTL 연구에 유용한 정보를 제공할 것으로 사료된다. 비교 유전체 연구를 통해 인간 및 설치류 모델동물에서 나온 유전체 정보를 이용하여 경제 동물의 유전체 연구에 있어 중요한 발견을 이루었다. 이러한 노력은 좀더 밀도 높은 QTL지도의 작성을 가능하게 하여 쉽게 측정하기 어려운 경제형질과 연관된 유전자의 확인 및 동정을 가능하게 하고 궁극적으로 산업체에서 이용 가능한 표지인자의 개발을 가능하게 할 것으로 사료된다. 이와 더불어, 경제동물 유전체 연구 성과는 인간의 생리현상의 유전체 측면의 이해를 더욱 증진시킬 것이다.

Genome research in economic animals has progressed rapidly in recent years, transforming from primitive genome maps to quantitative/qualitative trait maps that are indispensable to gene discovery. These advances have been benefited from the result of animal genome sequencing projects and functional genomics that are being extensively applied in livestock animal research following the development of large expressed sequences tags (ESTs). Genome sequencing efforts will provide information to QTL study by larger scale single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) association study. Comparative genomics which is applying the information from human genome research as well as rodents model has contributed to important discoveries in economic animal genome research. These efforts will speed up much denser QTL maps development for phenotypic traits which are not easy to measure and to be identified by quantitative genetics [20] and lead to development of convincing markers associated with economically important trait, which will be eventually applied to livestock industry. In addition to practical application, animal genome research will enrich the understanding of human physiology in terms of genome biology.



  1. Abdrakhmanov, I., D. Lodygin , P. Geroth, H. Arakawa, A. Law, J. Plachy, B. Korn and J. M. Buerstedde. 2000. A large database of chicken bursal ESTs as a resource for the analysis of vertebrate gene function. Genome Res. 10, 2062-2069
  2. Anderson, S. I., N. L. Lopez-Corrales, B. Gorick and A. L. Archibald. 2000. A large-fragment porcine genomic library resource in a BAC vector. Mamm. Genome 11, 811-814
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  6. Barendse, W., D. Vaiman, S. J. Kemp, Y. Sugimoto, S. M. Armitage, J. L. Williams, H. S. Sun, A. Eggen, M. Agaba, S. A. Aleyasin, M. Band, M. D. Bishop, J. Buitkamp, K. Byrne, F. Collins, L. Cooper, W. Coppettiers, B. Denys, R. D. Drinkwater, K. Easterday, C. Elduque , S. Ennis, G. Erhardt and L. Li. 1997. A medium-density genetic linkage map of the bovine genome. Mamm. Genome 8, 21
  7. Boardman, P. E., J. Sanz-Ezquerro, I. M. Overton, D. W. Burt, E. Bosch, W. T. Fong, C. Tickle, W. R. Brown, S. A. Wilson and S. J. Hubbard. 2002. A comprehensive collection of chicken cDNAs. Curr. Biol. 12, 1965-1969
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  11. Cheng, H., H. I. Levin, R. L. Vallejo, H. Khatib, J. B. Dodgson, L. B. Crittenden and J. Hillel. 1995. Development of a genetic map of the chicken with markers of high utility. Poult. Sci. 74, 1855-1874
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  13. Crooijmans, R. P., J. Vrebalov, R. J. Dijkhof, J. J. van der Poel, and M. A. Groenen. 2000. Two-dimensional screening of the Wageningen chicken BAC library. Mamm. Genome 1, 360-363
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  16. Fries, R., R. Hediger and G. Stranzinger. 1986. Tentative chromosomal localization of the bovine major histocompatibililty complex by in situ hybridization. Anim. Genet. 17, 287-294
  17. Fries, R., A. Eggen and J. E. Womack. 1993. The bovine genome map. Mamm. Genome 4, 405-428
  18. Gallagher Jr. D. S., D. Threadgill, A. M. Ryan, J. E. Womack and D. M. Irwin. 1993. Physical mapping of the lysozyme gene family in cattle. Mamm. Genome 4, 386-373
  19. Gibbs, M., D. Dawson, C. Mc Camley and T. Burke. 1995. Ten novel chicken dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms. Anim. Genet. 26, 443-444
  20. Green, R. D., M. A. Qureshi, J. A. Long, P. J. Burfening and D. L. Hamernik. 2007. Identifying the future needs for long-term USDA efforts in agricultural animal genomics. Int. J. Biol. Sci. 3, 185-189
  21. Groenen, M. A., R. P. Crooijmans, A. Veenendaal, H. H. Cheng, M. Siwek and J. J. Van der Poel. 1998. A comprehensive microsatellite linkage map of the chicken genome. Genomics 49, 265-274
  22. Groenen, M. A., R. P. Crooijmans, R. J. Dijkhof, R. Acar and J. J. van der Poel. 1999. Extending the chicken-human comparative map by placing 15 genes on the chicken linkage map. Anim. Genet. 30, 418-422
  23. Groenen, M. A. and R. P. Crooijmans. 2003. Structural genomics: integrating linkage, physical and sequence maps, pp. 497-536, In Muir, W. M. and S. E. Aggrey (eds.), Poultry Breeding and Biotechnology, Vol. 497, CABI International
  24. Hawken, R. J., J. Murtaugh, G. H. Flickinger, M. Yerle, A. Robic, D. Milan, J. Gellin, C. W. Beattie, L. B. Schook and L. J. Alexander. 1999. A first-generation porcine whole-genome radiation hybrid map. Mamm. Genome 10, 824-830
  25. Herbergs, J., M. Siwek, R. P. Crooijmans J. J. van der Poel and M. A. Groenen. 1999. Multicolour fluorescent detection and mapping of AFLP markers in chicken (Gallus domesticus). Anim. Genet. 30, 274-285
  26. Hasler-Rapacz, J., H. Ellegren, A. K. Fridolfsson, B. Kirkpatrick, S. Kirk, L. Andersson and J. Rapacz. 1998. Identification of a mutation in the low density lipoprotein receptor gene associated with recessive familial hypercholesterolemia in swine. Am. J. Med. Genet. 76, 379-386<379::AID-AJMG3>3.0.CO;2-I
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  28. Hubbard, S. J., D. V. Grafham, K. J. Beattie, I. M. Overton, S. R. McLaren, M. D. Croning, P. E. Boardman, J. K. Bonfield, J. Burnside, R. M. Davies, E. R. Farrell, M. D. Francis, S. Griffiths-Jones, S. J. Humphray, C. Hyland, C. E. Scott, H. Tang, R. G. Taylor, C. Tickle, W. R. Brown, E. Birney, J. Rogers and S. A. Wilson. 2005. Transcriptome analysis for the chicken based on 19,626 finished cDNA sequences and 485,337 expressed sequence tags. Genome Res. 15, 174-183
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  34. Kappes, S. M., J. W. Keele, R. T. Stone, R. A. McGraw, T. S. Sonstegard, T. P. Smith, N. L. Lopez-Corrales and C. W. Beattie. 1997. A second-generation linkage map of the bovine genome. Genome Res. 7, 235-249
  35. Kim, K. S., N. Larsen, T. Short, G. Plastow and M. F. Rothschild. 2000. A missense variant of the porcine melanocortin- 4 receptor (MC4R) gene is associated with fatness, growth, and feed intake traits. Mamm. Genome 11, 131-135
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  38. Lee, M. K., C. W. Ren, B. Yan, B. Cox, H. B. Zhang, M. N. Romanov, F. G. Sizemore, S. P. Suchyta, E. Peters and J. B. Dodgson. 2003. Construction and characterization of three BAC libraries for analysis of the chicken genome. Anim. Genet. 34, 151-152
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  44. McElroy, J. P., J. C. Dekkers, J. E. Fulton, N. P. O'Sullivan, M. Soller, E. Lipkin, W. Zhang, K. J. Koehler, S. J. Lamont and H. H. Cheng. 2005. Microsatellite markers associated with resistance to Marek's disease in commercial layer chickens. Poult. Sci. 84, 1678-1688
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  48. Morisson, M., A. Lemiere, S. Bosc, M. Galan, F. Plisson- Petit, P. Pinton, C. Delcros, K. Feve, F. Pitel, V. Fillon, M. Yerle and A. Vignal. 2002. ChickRH6: a chicken whole-genome radiation hybrid panel. Genet. Sel. Evol. 4, 521-533
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