VA Mode의 LCOS에서 Cell Gap의 변화에 따른 전기광학적 특성

Electro-optical Characteristics of VA mode LCOS depending on Cell Gap

  • 강정원 (단국대학교 전자전기공학부) ;
  • 손홍배 (단국대학교 전자전기공학부)
  • Kang, Jung-Won (Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Dankook University) ;
  • Son, Hong-Bae (Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Dankook University)
  • 발행 : 2008.09.30


The electro-optical characteristics of the Liquid Crystal on Silicon (hereinafter "LCOS") micro-display on vertically alignment (VA) mode were studied depending on various cell gaps. 5 different cell gaps, such as $1.4{\mu}m,\;1.8{\mu}m,\;2.1{\mu}m,\;2.4{\mu}m$ and $2.8{\mu}m$, were selected. The reflectance-voltage (R-V) characteristics, distributions of reflected light and reflectance were calculated with 3-dimmensional LC code. At the center of cell, the smallest $1.4{\mu}m$ cell gap showed the lowest reflectance and the largest $2.8{\mu}m$ cell gap showed the highest reflectance due to the surface anchoring effect. In case of $2.1{\mu}m$ cell gap, the sum of reflectance overall cell was the highest value. Considering the reflectance and RV curve characteristic, the optimized cell gap was $2.1{\mu}m$.
