도심 내 가로경관 유형별 시각적 속성이 선호도에 미치는 영향 - 강릉시 중앙로를 대상으로 -

The Influence of Visual Character in Types of Urban Streetscape on Preference - In Case of the Kangnung-si Joongang-ro -

  • 정연구 (강릉시청 도시계획과) ;
  • 조태동 (강릉대학교 환경조경학과) ;
  • 정정섭 (청주대학교 환경조경학과)
  • Jung, Youn-Gu (Department of Civil Engineering, Gangneung City Hall) ;
  • Jo, Tae-Dong (Department of Environmental Landscape Architecture, Kangnung University) ;
  • Jeong, Jeong-Seob (Department of Environmental Landscape Architecture, Cheongju University)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


Based on the result of extraction of common factors executed in order to elucidate the visual attributes of street scenery by types through the rotation of 23 adjective variables by Varimax, the visual attributes expressed after the construction of the facilities using street scenery were anylized to be 4 factors including factor 1 through factor 4. Theexplanation of the 4 factor groups to explain the entire distribution was 65.3% and these factor groups are the psychological attributes felt when using facilities are constructed by securing the street spaces in downtowns and the factors were named as naturalness(factor 1), locality(factor 2), identity(factor 3) and clarity(factor 4) respectively. Based on the result of one-way layout distribution analysis, the preferences for street scenery by types were found out to show considerable differences at 1 % significance level. Based on the result of multiple regression analysis, all of the factors explaining preferences including factor 1 through factor 4 were significant at 1 % significance level. In case other conditions are constant, if the values of the adjective variables related to locality(factor 2) increase by 1 unit, the preferences which are the values of dependent variables will increase by 0.709. The variable with the largest relative contribution among the 4 factor groups was the locality(factor 2) factor group and on the contrary, it was found that the independent variable with least influences was the clarity(factor 4) factor group.



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