TFT-LCD의 전기적 특성 연구

Analysis on the Electric Properties of TFT-LCDs

  • 김명철 (인하대학교 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.04.01


In this paper, we calculated the pixel and all the inter-electrode capacitances in a unit pixel of three kinds of TFT-LCD modes in order to realize the full color image. And we analyzed the effect on applied voltage. We fixed size of sub-pixel and designed a unit pixel of three kinds of TFT-LCD modes. We calculated rigorously the pixel and all the inter-electrode capacitances by the three dimensional simulation. And we expanded one pixel into whole panel using H-SPICE. As a result, we calculated the RMS voltage and kickback voltage which most affect gray scale of the pixel and calculated the number of bit according to permissible range of minimum gray scale using V-T curve.



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