Landscape Structure Analysis Based on Insect Spatial Distribution in Rural Area

곤충류 공간 분포를 활용한 농경지 경관구조 분석

  • Published : 2008.03.31


Landscape structure is important to understand a complex patterns and interaction with adjacent habitat in rural area. The aim of this study is to analyze relationship between landscape structure and insect spatial distribution in rural area to suggest applicable possibility of landscape structure as biological indicator. For this purpose, first, four landscape structure criteria such as distance from the forest; density of farmland-forest ecotone; landscape continuity; and field size are selected. Secondly, these criteria are applied to Gangsang-myeon, Yangpyeong-gun where mosaic feature are conserved at various spatial scale. Thirdly, application of landscape structure criteria is verified using correlation with species number, species diversity, and species richness of insect. As a result, it could be suggested that the landscape structure criteria are useful for explaining insect spatial distribution.



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