Suppression of IEEE 802.11a Interference in TH-UWB Systems Using Singular Value Decomposition in Wireless Multipath Channels

  • Xu, Shaoyi (Graduate School of Information Technology and Telecommunications, Inha University) ;
  • Kwak, Kyung-Sup (Graduate School of Information Technology and Telecommunications, Inha University)
  • Published : 2008.03.31


Narrow-band interference (NBI) from the coexisting narrow-band services affects the performance of ultra wideband (UWB) systems considerably due to the high power of these narrow-band signals with respect to the UWB signals. Specifically, IEEE 802.11a systems which operate around 5 GHz and overlap the band of UWB signals may interfere with UWB systems significantly. In this paper, we suggest a novel NBI suppression technique based on singular value decomposition (SVD) algorithm in time hopping UWB (TH-UWB) systems. SVD is used to approximate the interference which then is subtracted from the received signals. The algorithm precision and closed-form bit error rate (BER) expression are derived in the wireless multipath channel. Comparing with the conventional suppression methods such as a notch filter and a RAKE receiver, the proposed method is simple and robust and especially suitable for UWB systems.



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