A Study of the Factors in Influencing Satisfaction with the National Education Information System

교육행정정보시스템(NEIS) 사용자 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2008.03.30


As National Education Information Systems (NEIS) is supposed to broadly introduced all over the country, we need to understand factors that would affect its successful use. Studies regarding the NEIS have been made in terms of a social issue according to its introduction and use, however there has been only little research made in terms of the use of the system so far. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the factors that would have effect on a successful use of the NEIS. A research model of the study is based on the extended DeLone and McLean's information systems success model with two characteristics of computer self-efficacy and perceived fairness. Based on the survey data from 168 subjects, the present study performs SEM analysis with PLS. The results show that perceived usefulness and computer self-efficacy improves the user satisfaction. However, the user' satisfaction does not cause system characteristics- system quality, information quality, service quality -and perceived fairness not effect. The study provides characteristics which can effectively and smoothly introduce the NEIS for its successful use on the upcoming full scale execution on the NEIS.



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