Postural Steadiness and Weight Distribution during Quiet Stance and Tandem Stance in Healthy Women Young Adults

정상 성인 여성의 양발서기 자세와 발뒤꿈치-발끝 서기 자세의 자세안정성과 체중분포

  • Kwon, Mi-Ji (Department of Physical Therapy, Gwangju Health College)
  • 권미지 (광주보건대학 물리치료과)
  • Published : 2008.08.31


Purpose : Tandem stance is a clinical measure of standing balance considered to assess postural steadiness in a heel-to-toe position by a temporal measurement. The aim of this study is to investigate postural steadiness and to explore the weight distribution between legs during 25s of quiet stance and tandem stance(right foot was leading) in healthy young adults. Methods : 107 healthy young adults(mean age 21.1 years) are participated. Weight distribution beneath both feet and sway distance were recorded while the subjects performed 25s of quiet stance and tandem stance. Results : Subjects placed more weight on the rear leg in tandem stance and on the left foot in quiet stance. So, quiet stance and tandem stance is not a task for equal weight bearing. Subjects show larger sway distance in anteroposterior direction of tandem stance than quiet stance. Conclusion : The results of this study will be useful to researchers and clinicians using tandem stance measures to evaluate postural steadiness and to predict fall. The results suggest that tandem stance is useful to treat of weight distribution and to improve of balace in elderly adults and stroke patients.
