삼보광산 하류 수계의 계절별 수질변화와 오염도 평가

Monitoring of Seasonal Water Quality Variations and Environmental Contamination in the Sambo Mine Creek, Korea

  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


폐금속 광산에서 유출되는 광산배수로 인한 수계의 수질오염 영향을 파악하기 위하여 삼보광산 광미댐 침출수 및 하류 하천수의 화학성분 및 미량금속을 분석 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 삼보광산 주변 광미댐 침출수의 pH 값은 $5.8{\sim}6.9$ 사이로 중성에 가까운 약산성이였다. 주 광미댐 침출수의 주요 용존 화학성분 평균치는 EC 1.77 dS/m, $SO_4^{2-}$ 929, $K^+$ 14.6, $Ca^{2+}$ 263.3, $Mg^{2+}$ 46.9 mg/L 이였다. 특히 화학성분 중 EC 값과 $SO_4^{2-}$ 농도는 벼의 농업용수 피해한계 농도 (EC 1.0 dS/m, $SO_4^{2-}$ 54.0 mg/L)를 상회하였다. 광산 침출수의 Cd 평균 농도($0.016{\sim}0.021\;mg/L$)는 농업용수 수질기준인 0.01 mg/L을 초과하였고, Cd 최고치는 수질기준의 4배정도 높았다. 또한 미량금속 중 Zn, Fe 및 Mn 농도는 FAO의 관개용수 최대 권고치(Cd 0.01, Zn 2.0, Fe 5.0, Mn 0.2 mg/L)를 초과하였고, 특히 Zn 및 Mn 평균 농도는 권고치의 $8{\sim}26$배, $45{\sim}313$배 이상 높았다. 본 조사결과에서 광산배수에 의한 수계의 수질오염은 하류 1 km 이상까지 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 광산배수와 하천수의 수질항목 중 pH 값은 용존 Cd, Zn, Al 및 Mn 농도와 부의 상관을, 주 오염성분인 EC 값, $SO_4^{2-}$$Ca^{2+}$ 농도는 각각의 Cd, Zn, Al 및 Mn 농도와 고도의 정의 상관을 보였다. 또한 주요 화학성분 중에서는 pH 값이 EC 값 및 $SO_4^{2-}$ 농도와 부의 상관을 보였다.

Metal mining district drainage is a well recognized source of environmental contamination. Oxidation of metal sulfides produces acidic and metal-rich waters that contaminate local surface water and ground water in mines, mine dumps, and tailing impoundments. This monitoring study was carried out to investigate the stream water quality and pollution as affected by the Sambo mine drainage in relation to the relative distance from the mine. It obvious that pH values of the mine drainage ranged from 5.8 to 6.9, while the average concentrations of the dissolved chemical constituents for EC, $SO_4^{2-}$, $K^+$, $Ca^{2+}$, and $Mg^{2+}$ were $1.77\;dS\;m^{-1}$, 929, 14.6, 263.3, and 46.9 mg/L in mine drainage discharged from the main waste rock dumps (WRD), respectively. Furthermore, EC values and sulfate concentrations exceeded the critical toxicity levels in agricultural water for rice plant ($1.0\;dS\;m^{-1}$ for EC and 54.0 mg/L for $SO_4^{2-}$). Also, the average of dissolved cadmium concentrations ($0.016{\sim}0.021\;mg/L$) was higher than water quality standard (0.01 mg/L) for agricultural water in Korea, in addition to Zn, Fe and Mn were higher than trace metals maximum concentrations which recommended by FAO for irrigation water. The results indicate that mine drainage discharged from the Sambo mine affected stream water at least to distance of 1 km downstream of the mine water discharge point. EC values, $SO_4^{2-}$ and $Ca^{2+}$ concentrations in discharged water positively correlated with dissolved Cd, Zn, Al and Mn concentrations, while the pH values negatively correlated. In addition, EC values, $SO_4^{2-}$ and $Ca^{2+}$ concentrations were negatively correlated with pH values.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Assessment of the Heavy Metal Contamination in Paddy Soils Below Part of the Closed Metalliferous Mine vol.34, pp.1, 2015,
  2. Contamination Assessment of Water Quality and Stream Sediments Affected by Mine Drainage in the Sambo Mine Creek vol.31, pp.2, 2012,
  3. Current research trends for heavy metals of agricultural soils and crop uptake in Korea vol.31, pp.1, 2012,
  4. Assessment of Human Bioavailability Quotient for the Heavy Metal in Paddy Soils Below Part of the Closed Metalliferous Mine vol.34, pp.3, 2015,