키보드와 마우스 사용시 착용식 손목 지지대 효과

The Effect of Wearable Wrist Rest During Keyboard and Mouse Use

  • 발행 : 2008.09.01


The goal of this study was to compare wrist posture, muscular loads and perceived comfort among wearable wrist rest (WR), general wrist rest(GR), no wrist rest(NR) during keyboard and mouse use. Thirteen subjects performed text editing task in three test conditions: wearable wrist rest(WR), general wrist rest(GR), no wrist rest(NR). During text editing task, the right wrist posture was recorded by an electrogoniometer and the muscle activity in upper trapezius, anterior deltoid, extensor digitorum, extensor carpi ulnaris were recorded by electromyography. After all of the tests, the subjects rated perceived comfort. Working with wearable wrist rest(WR), compared to no wrist rest(NR) and general wrist rest(GR), decreased wrist radial/ulnar deviation and also decreased muscle activity in upper trapezius and anterior deltoid. At the same time, in work with wearable wrist rest(WR), the subjects rated more comfort at 5 of 8 body locations(shoulder, upper arm, wrist, hand, body).



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피인용 문헌

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