Internet Protocol TV 환경에서 효율적인 웹 탐색기법의 사용성에 대한 비교 연구

Comparative Study on the Usability of Semantic Zooming Methods for Efficient Web Browsing on Internet Protocol TV

  • 홍지영 (연세대학교 인지과학연구소) ;
  • 채행석 (연세대학교 인지과학연구소) ;
  • 조운정 (연세대학교 인지과학협동과정) ;
  • 정대현 (연세대학교 인지과학협동과정) ;
  • 김종완 (연세대학교 심리학과) ;
  • 김성은 (연세대학교 심리학과) ;
  • 이혜정 (삼성종합기술원) ;
  • 한광희 (연세대학교 심리학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.11.30


Recently, Internet Protocol TV technology has a latent power for searching information by using internet-connected interactive TV media. It is hard to browse and search web site conveniently since the visual and input devices are not sufficient for navigating through the websites. Zoomable user interface is a possible solution that may reduce users' task load and improve their performance. In this paper, we made three types of web browsers as scroll, physical zooming and semantic zooming type. Fifteen participants asked to do searching tasks and their task time, accuracy and subjective responses are recorded. In the result, though scroll type is evaluated more efficient than other types in task time and accuracy since participants are familiar with scroll type interface, semantic zooming type is highly rated in subjective responses such as perceived searching efficiency, satisfaction and joyfulness. This result implied semantic zooming is a possible solution which is improving user experience of searching websites using Internet Protocol TV.



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