Desmids (Chlorophyceae, Conjugales, Desmidiaceae) from Foothills of Western Himalaya, India

  • Published : 2008.03.01


Forty-eight taxa of desmids belonging to Class Chlorophyceae (Order - Conjugales, Family - Desmidiaceae), collected from different aquatic habitats of Lalkuan, Kathgodam and Pantnagar areas of Uttaranchal state and Pilibheet district of Uttar Pradesh, which are regions of foothills of Western Himalaya, have been described. These taxa belongs to 5 genera viz. Closterium Nitzsch (6 spp., 5 var., and 2 forma), Euastrum Ehrenberg (1 var.), Staurastrum Meyen (2 spp., 1 var., 1 forma), Cosmarium Corda ex Ralfs (19 spp. and 10 var.), Pleurotaenium Naegeli (1 sp.). Staurastrum pseudopachyrhyncum Wolle (1884) is new record for desmid flora of India.



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