미술관 전시공간 형태의 변화에 따른 관람자의 작품 인지에 관한 연구

A Study on the Public's Perception on Accordance with Change of Exhibition Space in an Art museum

  • 이정아 (상명대학교 예술.디자인대학원) ;
  • 문정묵 (상명대학교 디자인대학 실내디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.02.29


In the Relationship between exhibition space and art work in museum, new paradigm has being presented from 1990' s as a turning point. Even if the formal exhibition space that emphasizes itself as a background has currently being continued, the informal exhibition space is coming to the new art museums, especially after 1990's. This study is to understand how the advent of informal form of space in an exhibition of art museum makes a new paradigm in the relation between the exhibition space and art work in conjunction with public's perception after 1990' s that is identified to the time of Pluralism. To do this, the study raised a question on how the public perceive the relation between space and art work through photographs that contain the information on relation between space and art work. And the questionnaire performed through the curators who are working for art museum, students who studies fine art, students who studies design and public who comes to art museum. After survey through this questionnaire, it is made clear that the informal form of space simply has played a role of background since the beginning of art museum. In other hands, the informal form of space that is mainly presented after 1990' s begins to interrupt the public's perception of art work, changing it's meaning through a spatiality.



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