A Study on Selection Determinant Factor in the China Market Entry of Korean Manufacture Firms

한국 제조업체의 중국시장 진입유형 선택 결정요인에 관한 연구

  • 이제홍 (조선대학교 경상대학 무역학과)
  • Published : 2008.12.24


Korean firms have had a short history of foreign direct investment and export in China market entry. This present study empirically analyzed determinants of the choice of foreign market entry modes, Particularly forcusing on the China market entry on Korean manufacture firms. This study developed a research model to determinant factor in the China market entry and collected 77 survey responses from the Korean manufacture firms. This study model construct in the third factor, China market character, company character and product character. In China market character, the variance are China trade barrier, culture different, competition power. The variance in company character are internationalization experience, enterprise rage and entry motivation. Also the variance in product character are product different, customer service and cost advantage. It is researcher's main interest that which type of China market entry format brought most positive evaluation form the Korean manufacture firms. therefor, these research results turned out to be different a little both export and direct investment in China market of Korean manufacture firms.
