비즈니스 프로세스 관리 시스템을 기반으로 한 CPFR의 구현

Implementation of a CPFR Based on a Business Process Management System

  • 한용호 (부산외국어대학교 e-비즈니스학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.30


Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR) is the most recent successful management initiative that provides supply chain collaboration. By adopting CPFR, companies can dramatically improve the effectiveness of supply chain. The CPFR process has three major sub-processes; planning, forecasting and replenishment, which are formed by a number of steps. Despite the existence of a detailed and comprehensive process model, which is published by the Voluntary Interindustry Commerce Standards Association, in practice CPFR can take a number of different forms. Therefore, this research suggests that business process management system (BPMS) can be utilized as a base system on which a CPFR is consistently constructed and implemented, regardless of a number of its possible forms. We illustrate how a CPFR protype is implemented by using a BPMS and then describe how the prototype is agilely extended to adopt a variety of changes of CPFR collaboration process.



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