Effects of Individual Characteristics and Subject Norm on User Acceptance of e-Learning for Voluntary Studies

자발적 학습에서 개인특성과 주관적 규범이 e-learning 수용에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2008.12.30


E-learning becomes an important part of education these days in Korea. Students had no choice but to accept the e-learning when the e-learning was used as a supplementary learning tool within a traditional class or a stand-alone distance education. This study focuses on the students' intention of e-learning acceptance for voluntary studies. In voluntary study, students have the rights to adopt the e-learning or not for their personal study. We used individual characteristics as the external variables of TAM to explain user acceptance of e-learning for voluntary studies and examined the effect of individual characteristics on user's beliefs. Research model and nine hypotheses were set up to identify the relationships among these variables based on investigations of previous researches. The theoretical model is tested with questionnaires from 420 users who accept e-learning for voluntary studies. We tested the measurement and research models by applying a structural equation modeling(SEM) approach, using the AMOS 5.0. Overall, the results provided support for the model as explaining acceptance of an e-learning system. Most path coefficients in the research model were found statistically significant. The results showed usefulness and enjoyment and subject norm were the factors affecting attitude of students using e-learning. In addition, usefulness and subject norm were the factors affecting intention of students using e-learning. The results show innovation and self-efficacy have a significant impact on user's perception of ease of use. Self-efficacy also have significant effects on user's perception of usefulness.



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  1. An Empirical Study on the Factors Affecting e-Learning Learners Satisfaction vol.18, pp.3, 2009,