취약지역 빈곤아동의 인구사회학적 특성별 건강행동 변화단계의 분포

The Stages of Change Distribution for Health Behaviors among Low Income Children in Underserved Area

  • 김혜경 (한국건강관리협회 건강증진연구소) ;
  • 현성민 (한국건강관리협회 건강증진연구소) ;
  • 권은주 (한국건강관리협회 건강증진연구소) ;
  • 김희철 (한국건강관리협회 건강증진연구소)
  • Kim, Hye-Kyeong (Health Promotion Research Institute Korea Association of Health Promotion) ;
  • Hyun, Sung-Min (Health Promotion Research Institute Korea Association of Health Promotion) ;
  • Kwon, Eun-Joo (Health Promotion Research Institute Korea Association of Health Promotion) ;
  • Kim, Hee-Chul (Health Promotion Research Institute Korea Association of Health Promotion)
  • 발행 : 2008.09.30


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify the stages of change distributions for nine major health behaviors among poor children in underserved area, and to provide basic information for developing specific objectives and strategies for health education program. Methods: The health behavior data were obtained with a self-administered questionnaire and analysed for 3,081 poor children in 106 local children's centers nationwide. Stages of change classification were based on self-reported responses to five statements. The health behaviors included were balanced diet, safety behavior (helmet and protective device use while riding), regular exercise, smoking, alcohol use, drug use, sleep pattern, weight management and stress management. Results: Poor children were more likely in precontemplation and less frequently in action and maintenance stages for a safety behavior. 33.1% of respondents were precontemplators, 29.9% contemplators, and 6.5% in preparation stage. Only 4.3% and 9.6% were in action and maintenance stages, respectively. Gender differences were apparent. Boys were more likely to be precontemplators for nine health behaviors. Children from the lowest socioeconomic status and disrupted family were more likely to be in precontemplation for weight management and exercise behaviors. Children living with both parents were more likely to be in the action and maintenance stages for nine health behaviors. Stages of change for balanced diet and smoking were significantly related with those for other eight health behaviors. And the stage of exercise adoption was found to be significantly related with those for other seven health behaviors. Conclusion: Safety education must receive high priority in health education program for low income children. Balanced diet smoking cessation and regular exercise could be a possible gateway behavior toward healthier lifestyle practices.



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