외국의 건강증진기금 운영실태 고찰 및 시사점

The Review of the Health Promotion Foundation and Implication for Korea

  • 정애숙 (한국보건사회연구원 건강증진사업지원단)
  • Jeong, Ae-Suk (Korean Institute for Health & Social Affairs, The Management Center for Health Promotion)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.30


Objectives: The study aimed at reviewing the organizational values, structures, and activities of the health promotion foundation model as a recently recommended by the World Health Organization, and exploring adequate suggestions to administer the funds in Korea. Methods: The study materials were collected from web-sites and visiting, the ThaiHealth, VicHealth, Healthway, and Health Promotion Switzerland were reviewed as the representative cases of health promotion foundation model. Results: According to the review, the health promotion foundation established based on relevant legal acts had the comprehensive and professional organizational structure with boards and committees as governing and supporting bodies. The foundations had clearly defined vision, mission, and purpose, and pursuit health promotion purpose, independent and professional decision making process, strategies and priorities to initiate broad health promotion activities, balanced funds distribution to various areas and sectors, and networking and collaborating with partners. Conclusions: Health promotion foundation is a recommendable model to lead more effective and efficient health promotion activities and to collaborate with other sectors or other countries. Expanded usages of health promotion fund into the diverse health promotion settings such as communities, work places and schools and health activities including sponsorships as well as health promotion programs need to be considered.



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  7. Healthway strategic plan 2004-2007 (http://www.healthway.wa.gov.au)
  8. Healthway Annual Report 2006/07
  9. Healthyway Annual Report 2005/06
  10. Health Promotion Switzerland, Overview of vision, goals and activities(http://www. gesundheitsforerderung.ch/en/about/mission/defalult.asp)
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  15. ThaiHealth website (http://www.thaiheatlh.or.th/english)
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  17. US. Department of Health Services, Healthy People 2010, 1995
  18. VicHealth Strategic Framework 2006-2009 (http://www.vichealth.vic.gov.au)
  19. VicHealth Website(http://www.vichealth.vic.gov.au/Contents.aspx?topicID=71)
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