표고 톱밥재배시 중온성 품종의 종균 형태에 따른 생산성 비교

Comparison of productivity among various spawn shapes of middle-temperature type strain for sawdust cultivation of Shiitake

  • 이봉훈 (국립산림과학원 화학미생물과) ;
  • 박원철 (국립산림과학원 화학미생물과) ;
  • 가강현 (국립산림과학원 화학미생물과) ;
  • 유성열 (국립산림과학원 화학미생물과)
  • Lee, Bong-Hun (Division of Wood Chemistry and Microbiology, Korea Forest Research Institute) ;
  • Bak, Won-Chull (Division of Wood Chemistry and Microbiology, Korea Forest Research Institute) ;
  • Ka, Kang-Hyeon (Division of Wood Chemistry and Microbiology, Korea Forest Research Institute) ;
  • Ryu, Sung-Ryul (Division of Wood Chemistry and Microbiology, Korea Forest Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


종균의 종류에 따라 중온성 품종의 생산성이 어떻게 달라지는지를 확인하고자 연구를 수행하였다. 버섯의 발생 경향은 세 처리구 모두 비슷했으며, 성형종균과 액체종균 처리구는 2차발생까지 총수확량의 50% 이상, 4차까지 80%이상 발생되었다. 기형버섯조사에서는, 세 처리구 모두 2차 발생까지만 기형버섯이 발생되었다. 하지만 기형버섯 발생률에 있어서는 다른 처리구들에 비해 액체종균 접종구에서의 발생률이 낮았다. 수확량조사에서는 액체종균을 접종했을 때 배지당 411 g으로 처리구들 중 가장 많았고 10 g이 넘는 버섯도 309 g으로 톱밥종균과 성형종균에 비해 많았다. 그리고 발생된 자실체 개수는 톱밥종균과 성형종균 간에 유의성이 있었지만 자실체 개당 무게는 세 처리구 간에 유의성이 없었다.

Studies were processed to confirm the difference of the shiitake productivity according to different spawn shapes(sawdust, plug-shaped and liquid spawns) on middle-temperature type strain. A tendency of fruiting was similar among three treatments, and treatments inoculated with plug-shaped spawn and liquid spawn produced over 50 % of total yield until 2nd flushing period and 80 % of total yield until 4th flushing period. In investigation of deformed fruit-bodies, all of three treatments occurred until 2nd flushing period. However, in rate of deformed fruit-bodies, treatment inoculated with liquid spawn was lower than others. In investigation of yield, the amount produced on treatment inoculated with liquid spawn was 411 g per medium and it was highest among treatments. And the amount of fruit-bodies over 10 g was higher than others. Also, the number of fruit-bodies between sawdust and plug-shaped spawn was different, but each weight of fruit-bodies among three treatments was not different.
