도시 배후 산 지형 스카이라인 경관의 조망 특성과 경관 대표성 평가 - 시점 위치에 따른 무등산 조망경관 분석을 중심으로 -

Research on the Visual Characteristics of a Representative View of the Skyline; - Referring to Landscape Assessment of Mt. Mudeung from Various Viewpoints -

  • 조동범 (전남대학교 산림자원조경학부 조경학)
  • Cho, Tong-Buhm (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Chonnam National University)
  • 발행 : 2008.02.29


This research investigated the landscape characteristics of the skyline and the cognitive characteristics of Mt. Mudeung (1,186m) from various viewpoints. Mt. Mudeung, the representative landscape of Gwangju City, has been recognized as a natural landmark and theme of paintings. By analyzing the perspective from 32 points with a digital terrain model, some landscape indices of the skyline were derived and the relationships are discussed. Assessment of the semantic differential scale with 21 adjective variables and representativeness to 15 landscape photographs of the mountain were accomplished. 1. Through regression analysis of the skyline indices, significant relationships were found between them the angle from the visual axis and number of skyline jumps, the vertical angle fluctuation and number of jumps per degree, the visual depth fluctuation and vertical angle fluctuation of skyline, and between the vertical angle mean and number of jumps per degree. Meaningful relations were found between the number of jumps of skyline to number of jumps per degree and the angle from visual axis to visual distance. However, in the representative assessment no difference was found on the angle from visual axis of viewpoints. On the other hand, it seemed to relate representativeness with visual clarity based on visual distance. 2. We found 4 factors "familiarity", "fluctuation of skylines", "openness", and "feeling of texture" in the results of factor analysis of semantic differential assessment. When considering the results of assessment for representativeness, adjective words for familiarity and openness seemed to have a close assessment. Specifically, the research showed that the landscape representation was highly assessed in a view which could be seen from the higher parts to the lower part of hills. This result indicates that the management of viewpoints which could get a scene from intermediate to distant, and locating a high elevation is important. 3. In the picturesque expression of Mt. Mudeung, various impressions from the different points, a skyline based on the top of Mt. Mudeung and a mono structure by overlapping hills were common characteristics. These common characteristics were also partially found through the analysis of topographical landscape indices and landscape images. Therefore, the viewpoints for the representative landscape management should be selected in natural or open spaces.



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