Defect Classification and Management System Using CBR technique Based Internet in Apartment Housing Project

인터넷기반 공동주택 하자분류 및 관리 시스템 구축에 사례기반 추론기법을 활용한 연구

  • 김광희 (목포대학교 건설공학부 건축공학) ;
  • 신한우 (목포대학교 건설공학부 건축공학) ;
  • 서덕석 (한라대학교 건설공학과) ;
  • 윤지언 (평화건설)
  • Published : 2008.02.20


Management process of apartment buildings construction has increased because the after service of construction company meet the needs of customers. Many defect data, which was inspected by construction company or customers before moving into a new apartment house, were classified by field engineers and then communicated to corresponding subcontractors. The classification process needs to be performed by an expert engineer because there is so much data, it is unfeasible to complete in a short period of time. For this classification process, an automatic classification system using case base reasoning (CBR) should be considered. This research proposed a defect management system with automatic classification system using CBR. This constructed defect management system consists of cyber after service system for tenants and the whole defect management process of construction, preservation and management of apartment buildings. This system could improve the efficiency of expert work in terms of time and accuracy, as well as helping laymen users to conduct defect classification work as experts do.



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