심혈관질환자의 영양교육이 자기효능감, 식행동양상 및 심혈관 위험요인에 미치는 효과

Effects of the Nutrition Education Program on Self-efficacy, Diet Behavior Pattern and Cardiovascular Risk Factors for the Patients with Cardiovascular Disease

  • 주경옥 (충남대학교 의과대학 간호학과) ;
  • 소희영 (충남대학교 의과대학 간호학과)
  • Ju, Kyoung-Ok (Department of Nursing, Chungnam National University) ;
  • So, Hee-Young (Department of Nursing, Chungnam National University)
  • 발행 : 2008.02.29


Purpose: This study examined the effects of a nutrition education program on self-efficacy, diet behavior pattern and cardiovascular risk factors for patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Method: Sixty-four CVD subjects (37 experimental, 27 control) were recruited from a cardiac center, at a university hospital located in D city, Korea. All subjects attended a first heart camp where pretest measures were performed, and a second heart camp at 6 months for the posttest measures. During the 6 month study period, the experimental group was required to attend five monthly nutrition education sessions, while the control group received only routine outpatient follow-ups. Data were analyzed by $x^2$-test and independent t-test using the SPSSWIN 11.5 program. Result: Group comparisons revealed that the experimental group had significantly more improved self-efficacy, frequency of food selection, gustation of salt, systolic blood pressure, and serum total-cholesterol compared to the control group. Conclusion: A nutrition education program may be effective in improving self-efficacy, diet behavior pattern and cardiovascular risk factors for patients with cardiovascular disease.



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