신제품개발 관리에서 전략적 학습의 역할

The Role of Strategic Learning in New Product Development Management

  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


One of characteristics of firms having successfully developed new products is that they are practicing strategic learning, that is, organizational learning for preparing the future. In this context, we attempts to examine the effect of strategic learning on the proficiency of new product development activities and new product outcome, in an empirical way. In addition, we Investigated the moderating effect of new product innovativeness on the relationship among strategic learning, proficiency of new product development activities, and new product outcome. The analysis results show that the strategic learning has a positive impact on both the proficiency of new product development activities and new product outcome. And it was found that the impact of strategic learning on the proficiency of new product development activities is increasing when firms developing new products with high degree of innovativeness. However, the impact of strategic learning on new product outcome was not different according to new product innovativeness. This results shed some insight on the role of strategic learning in the new product development management.



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