에너지함수를 이용한 과도불안정 시스템의 안정화 방법

A New Stabilizing Method for Transiently Unstable Systems by Using Transient Energy Function

  • 김정우 (홍익대학교 전기전자공학과) ;
  • 전영환 (홍익대학교 전기전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.04.01


Transient security assessment(TSA) is becoming an essential requirement not only for security monitoring but also for stabilizing control of power systems under new electricity environments. It has already been pointed out that fast transient stability study is an important part for monitoring and controlling system security. In this paper, we discuss an energy function method for stabilizing control of transiently unstable systems by introducing generator tripping system to enhance the transient stability of power systems. The stabilization with less tripped power can be obtained by tripping the generators faster than out-of-synchronism relay. Fast transient stability assessment based on the state estimation and direct transient energy function method is an important part of the stabilizing scheme. It is possible to stabilize the transiently unstable system by tripping less generators before the action of out-of-synchronism relay, especially when a group of generator are going to be out-of-synchronism. Moreover, the amount of generator output needed for tripping can be decided by Transient Energy Function(TEF) method. The main contribution of this paper is on the stabilizing scheme which can be running in the Wide Area Control System.



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