새로운 항암제 처방 감사 시스템 도입을 통한 의료의 질 향상

Efficacy of new inspection system of Anticancer Drug Prescription

  • Kim, M.S. (Department of Pharmacy, Asan Medical Center) ;
  • Kim, Y.K. (Department of Pharmacy, Asan Medical Center) ;
  • Lee, Y.J. (Department of Pharmacy, Asan Medical Center) ;
  • Choi, Y.J. (Department of Pharmacy, Asan Medical Center) ;
  • Shin, H.Y. (Department of Pharmacy, Asan Medical Center) ;
  • Song, Y.C. (Department of Pharmacy, Asan Medical Center)
  • 발행 : 2008.11.30


Background : The number of outpatient injected anticancer drug is increasing. and the pathway of prescribing, compounding, and injecting anticancer drug is processed very rapidly in out-patient department. Moreover, Dose of anticancer drug is often changed depending on side effect of patients. So we need more effective inspection of anticancer drug prescriptions. The purpose of this study was to analyze the prescription errors for anticancer drugs in Out-Patient Department and to suggest system to prevent them. Method : The study took place at Asan Medical Center from July to September 2007. The pharmacists performed inspection of anticancer drug prescriptions before compounding and injecting. We used protocol-based anticancer drug order program and Electronic Medical Record (EMR). Result : During the study period, we analyzed 4683 prescriptions for out-patient. And we detected 55 medication errors (1.2%). Most common errors included dosage above or below the correct ones (56.3%), followed by incorrect treatment duration. Because most of dosing errors were in the range of usual dosage, it was hard to detect them. So when inspecting the prescription, we considered the medical records of individual patients. As a result, we could raise the efficiency of intervention. Therefore inspection using EMR could possibly reduce the number of anticancer drug errors. Conclusion : we are preventing the medication errors on stability and dosage above or below the maximum therapeutic dose according to the previous inspection system. However most of dosing errors were in the range of usual dosage according to the result of this study. Because of there was interpatient variability of dosage depending adverse effect. For improvement of quality assurance, we suggest inspection system based on patient's medical history.
