입원환자의 낙상발생 연구 자료원으로서의 국제간호실무분류체계 기반 전자간호기록의 유용성

Exploring the Utility of the ICNP based Electronic Nursing Records as a Research Source for Inpatients' Falls

  • 조인숙 (인하대학교 의과대학 간호학과) ;
  • 박인숙 (서울대학교병원 간호부) ;
  • 김은만 (서울대학교병원 간호부)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


Objective: This study explored the reuse of data captured into an electronic nursing record system using the International Classification for Nursing Practice to support nursing research of inpatient's falls. Methods: Risk factors relevant to inpatients falls ;n an acute setting were identified from the literature review. Four risk assessment tools and two risk identification studies were selected. To examine the availability of coded data in an electronic nursing record system for the identified fall fisk factors, we reviewed 11.319 hospital-day records of 118 patients who were reported by the self-report system. Results: We identified 24 fall risk factors of five categories from the literature review, which were used to identify the standard nursing statements addressing fall risks. One hundred thirty five nursing statements were searched from the hospital's nursing data dictionary of statements and were matched with 14 fall fisk factors. Using the 135 statements. we found that mental status, catheter of drip in situ, abnormal gait, insomnia, surgical procedure. and dizziness/vertigo appeared frequently in the nursing records of inpatients with fall s. Also we found 6 risk factors more through the record review. Conclusion: The electronic records would be a good research source for inpatients' falls. Specifically international classification for nursing practice based nursing record system has the potential for promoting clinical researches.
