Growth and Photosynthetic Responses of One C3 and Two C4 Chenopodiaceae Plants to Three CO2 Concentration Conditions

  • 발행 : 2008.11.30


Growth and photosynthetic responses of one $C_3$ and two $C_4$ plants in the family Chenopodiaceae in three $CO_2$ concentration $([CO_2])$ conditions-low (about $243{\mu}mol\;mol^{-1}$, LC), present (about 378, PC), and high (about 465, HC)-were investigated in open top chambers. The relative growth rate (RGR) and net assimilation rate in the $C_3$ plant, Chenopodium album, increased with increasing $[CO_2]$, though the RGR was not enhanced significantly in the HC condition. The leaf area ratio and leaf weight ratio of the $C_3$ plant drastically decreased with increasing $[CO_2]$, suggesting that the $C_3$ plant invests more biomass to leaves in lower $[CO_2]$ conditions. The two $C_4$ plants, Atriplex glauca and A. lentiformis, showed relatively small changes in those growth parameters. These photosynthetic-pathway-dependent responses suggest that growth patterns of $C_3$ and $C_4$ plants have been altered by past increases in atmospheric $[CO_2]$ but that there will be relatively little further alteration in the future high-$CO_2$ world.



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