An Empirical Study on the Correlation among Innovative Strategies, Motivation, Level of Implementing Innovative Activities and Business Performance in Taiwan's High-tech Manufacturers

  • Chung, Yi-Chan (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology) ;
  • Hsu, Yao-Wen (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology) ;
  • Chiu, Chung-Ching (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Chin-Min Institute of Technology) ;
  • Chen, Ching-Piao (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology) ;
  • Tsai, Chih-Hung (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


This study explores the influence of Taiwan's high-tech manufacturers' innovative strategy and innovation motivation concerning the implementation of innovative activities, as well as the influence of innovative activities implementation on business performance. The two intermediate variables, industry group and enterprise scale are also considered. Through a review of the relevant literature, a theoretical model of the influence relationship is developed, while an empirical analysis is simultaneously conducted on Taiwan's high-tech manufacturers. The research result shows that the internal driving force of innovative activities has a significant impact on the level of implementing technological innovative activities and cultural innovative activities. The external driving force of innovative activities has a significant impact on the level of implementing market innovative activities and management innovative activities. Companies adopting self-developed technology and purchased as well as self-developed technology strategies, perform better than those adopting purchased new technology or those with neither purchased nor self-developed technology strategies, at implementing technological innovative activities and cultural innovative activities. The level of implementing innovative activities has a significant influence on business performance (cost reduction and product/service differentiation). For the intermediate variables of "industry group" and "enterprise scale", it is proven in this study that they have no significant influence on the level of innovative activity implementation or business performance.



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