에너지수지를 고려한 혐기성소화시설의 운영방안

Operational Strategy of Anaerobic Digesters Considering Energy Balance

  • 홍성구 (한경대학교 지역자원시스템공학과) ;
  • 권순국 (한국과학기술한림원)
  • 발행 : 2008.07.31


Anaerobic digestion system is getting more attractive in that it produces biogas in the process of organic waste stabilization. Net energy production is important when biogas production is concerned. In this study, net energy production was evaluated with respect to biogas production and heat losses in a hypothetical digester. Under the condition of digester operation with slurry inflow of 5% of TS, additional fuel is required to maintain digester temperature during the winder season. Substrate therefore, needs to have higher VS contents through co-digestion of silage or food waste that has greater values of methane production rate. Heating input slurry is important in cold season, which covers over 80% of heating requirement. Heat recovery from digestate is valuable to reduce the use of biogas for heating. It seems desirable to minimize slurry inflow when temperature is very low. Psychrophilic digestion may be a feasible option for reducing heating requirement.



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피인용 문헌

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